
Video Content Strategy For Boring Brands

8/28/2024 @ 12pm ET

Hosted by

Matt Vojacek

Register Here

Just because your industry, brand or product isn’t “sexy”, doesn’t mean it HAS to be boring.

We get it, not every brand can be Apple, Tesla or Google. Some industries, brands, and products are simply not as interesting. This often leads people in healthcare, finance, data, and a number of other industries to play it safe. This ultimately leads to less personality, less memorability, and a less interested audience overall.

Positioning We’ll talk about how to positionyour brand to be more uniqueand memorable.

Funnels We’ll talk about using salesfunnels to identify where yourweaknesses are as a brand.

Storytelling We’ll talk about how to usestorytelling in your content tomaximize authenticity.

Branding We’ll talk about how to take aboring brand to a new level thatyour audience will actuallyinterest your audience.

Where is the event taking place?

We’ll talk about how to position your brand to be more unique and memorable

Is there a cost?

We’ll talk about how to position your brand to be more unique and memorable

Register Here

Video Content Strategy For Boring Brands

Join us as we reveal the industry’s best-kept secrets to create compelling videos that captivate your audience and leave them begging for more. During the event, you’ll be able to ask questions live through our chat but don’t worry, no camera sharing.

Join us live or view the recording after
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